Following hippie blogs

So in the midst of following scrapbooking and crafting blogs, I've wandered and clicked through link after link and ended up following some hippie (eco conscious, green design, etc) blogs.  One of my fav is  He has "green living and crafty ideas for everyday living."

He has upcycled/reused cashmere sweaters into chair covers and VHS tape innards (the shiny black tape part) into ribbon for decorating presents.  His most recent contest is asking people to upcycle (find a new use for) coffee mugs.  I'm always doing something weird and using something in a silly way and figured why not suggest something?  So I actually did, thus initiating myself into the world of active participation and not just lurking around on people's blogs.  What will I do next?!  ;)


Jenn said...

Wow- Dee as if my "hoarding" of scrapbook supplies wasn't enough- now I need to hoard my ohter items because of Danny- thanks! :) MWAH

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