Preschool already??!!

The time to choose a preschool class has snuck up on me so fast, and for some odd reason it was quite the stressful decision.  Of course it worked out just fine, we would have been happy with either of our top two choices, but we got the top choice.  Now we'll have to teach Madds to say Sun-shine instead of Thun-thine before she starts in the Sunshine room this summer.  :)

Following hippie blogs

So in the midst of following scrapbooking and crafting blogs, I've wandered and clicked through link after link and ended up following some hippie (eco conscious, green design, etc) blogs.  One of my fav is  He has "green living and crafty ideas for everyday living."

He has upcycled/reused cashmere sweaters into chair covers and VHS tape innards (the shiny black tape part) into ribbon for decorating presents.  His most recent contest is asking people to upcycle (find a new use for) coffee mugs.  I'm always doing something weird and using something in a silly way and figured why not suggest something?  So I actually did, thus initiating myself into the world of active participation and not just lurking around on people's blogs.  What will I do next?!  ;)

Silly Maddie, Silly Daddy

I love watching Kenny and Maddie interact, they are so funny and wonderful.  And oh mamma is he wrapped around that little girl's finger!!!  She loves him so much, and squeals when she sees him or when she hears his car in the garage, "Daddy's home, Daddy's home!!"  I love it!!

He has slightly different rules than I do in giving in to her.  I am the stern one, of course, and he is NOT!  For example, you know those car buggies at grocery stores?  (if not, you're lucky!)  She always wants to ride in one.  Sometimes I'm not in the mood to lug one around so I just don't get one and we move on with our shopping, no harm, no foul!  But with Daddy, she really lays it on thick!  As you can see below, it works (and it works EVERY time!)  Hey, somebody has to bend the rules sometimes.  ;)

Good luck with your Christmas shopping, and hey, maybe you can use a car buggy just for fun!  :)

Black Friday

Why is the day after Thanksgiving called Black Friday anyway?  In so many ways it is:  it's pitch black outside when people stand in line for sales, moods are dark when people fight over sale items in stores, the bags under people's eyes are black from not getting enough sleep, or people have black eyes from fighting with their loving family.

Today is especially dark for me.  My parents live across the country and right now my Daddy is really suffering.  It's hurts to not be closer, to not know the details of what's going on, and to feel so helpless.  Really all I can do is call, cry, blog and repeat.  Like my dear friend Kristin told me about soothing my newborn, go down the list and if that doesn't help, then start again at the top.  I'm blogging now, so maybe I'll try to get some sleep before I start the list again.

Please send your prayers, thoughts, vibes, energy, psychic hugs, or whatever it is that you do, they all help.

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm thankful for House of 3 and their wonderful tutorial on how to add backgrounds and headers to blogs.  I LOVE their designs and have been wanting to use one on my blog and now I can!!!  Yay!!!

My toddler woke up at her usual time this morning (of course).  I explained that it was thanksgiving and asked her to tell Daddy happy thanksgiving gobble-gobble!  She did, it was adorable, and she really embraced the gobble-gobble and has been saying it to every relative that I've called.  Nothing like asking your daughter to perform on que and her actually doing it!  ;)

I'm thankful for so much, notably several special friends, my husband and precious daughter.

Happy Thanksgiving gobble-gobble!!!  ;)

I found a good quote

I'm not usually curious enough to find a good quote, but iGoogle came to my rescue with "Quote of the Day".

The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it.
Flannery O'Connor

 It's interesting because I studied O'Conner's work in a class I took in college on southern women writers. Her statement is poignant and I really think she's on to something there.   The truth is that it's raining, whether I want to acknowledge it or believe it or I can't bring myself to go outside, nothing changes the fact that it's raining.

A relative (or two) in my life drive me crazy with their selfish behavior.  I have a hard time with that and really want to change that and it makes me angry and sad at the same time.  But it's true.  I can hardly stomach to speak to them or be around them or think about visiting them, but it's never going to change.  I have so much trouble accepting that simple truth, but the sooner I do, I think the more free I'll be from the emotional anguish I put myself through trying to get along and fit in and make people happy.

So my therapy for tonight is to make some happy cards and plan some celebration scrapbook pages and plan to hang out tomorrow with people that I love to be around.  From a quote to too much information about my crazy thoughts to therapeutic arts and crafts, such is life for me tonight.  At least it's ending in something productive!  :)

Today is Airport Day!!

Our family is flying in today!!  Maddie's grandma, great grandma, aunt and cousin will arrive early this afternoon.  We are excited, and despite dust bunnies and crumbs still laying around, we are so ready for their visit.  Maddie has already planned the things she and Skyler are going to do and the toys that he will play with and the pictures that he will color!  Too sweet!